Turkey Tail

Turkey Tail also known as Coriolus Versicolor is a beautiful oyster mushroom with a bright vibrant pink color.

Turkey tail, a ubiquitous woodland polypore growing in forests across the planet, is one of the most common mushrooms in the world. Turkey Tails have long been revered in Asia and Europe for their medicinal properties. Studies in the past 20 years have unveiled that the enzymes secreted by its mycelium are some of the most powerful toxin-destroying agents yet identified from a natural source. This species offers unique tools for healing both people and the planet from ravages of pollution. They are found widely distributed throughout the world in the boreal, temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions growing on virtually all dead hardwoods and is the most common mushroom found in deciduous forests, but can also be found on conifers such as fir and cypress.

Grown from late spring through early winter in temperatures ranging from 50 - 90°F.

Turkey Tail is one of the best documented medicinal mushrooms. Wild strains typically show remarkable vitality and aggressiveness in culture. The mycomedial activity is twofold: both as an anti-tumor compound, inhibiting growth of cancer cells, and in stimulating a host-mediated response, bolstering the immune system’s natural killer cells. Turkey Tail enhances the recovery of spleen cells subsequent to gamma irradiation. Recent studies at the New York Medical College suggest that ethanolic extracts of yun zhi show promise as an adjutant therapy in treating hormone-responsive prostate cancer by slowing tumorgenesis. This species, or its derivatives, have been also been used to treat a wide variety of cancers (breast, lung, colon, sarcoma, gastric and other carcinomas). It is also the source of the approved anti-cancer drug in Asia called PSK and known as krestin.

